2012 Stud Row


Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD OF THE YEAR is Randy Moseley

.....because of his league high 5 Stud Row appearances. Randy had a spectacular draft and Big Hoseley's Ho Squad was stacked deep with talent including the rising star Doug Martin. Moseley blew up in the Super Bowl and put up a score for the record books and won the league's biggest payout to date at $1000. The GOLD LAKE POSSE rides again!
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 1 is Randy Moseley

.....because of his league high score of 142.8. After a 6 year absence, Big Moe comes back to the league in style and busts out of the gate like a Kentucky thoroughbred. Big Moe called the draft a "mass debacle" but it turned out to be a massive score in week 1 rather than a debacle. Big Hoseley's Ho Squad blew up with a dramatic explosion kind of like a coronal mass ejection igniting a spectacular aurora borealis along the Earth's northern latitudes. Welcome back to the league Big Hoseley, and welcome to STUD ROW killah!
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 2 is Zac Nicholson

.....because of his league high score of 128. The tables sure did turn after a week. Zac faced Ronny last week and ended up on Dud Row and now Zac ends up on Stud Row and Ronny back on Dud Row..... all aboard the Fantasy Karma Roller Coaster, cause here we go. Just as folks were starting to doubt his drafting abilities, his roster puts it in high gear and blows up on Whitehizzle Sizzle. Lil' Hakeem Nicks came through with a dirty thirty and RuthlessBerger and Foster both chipped in with 23 a head. Dickey didn't even have to resort to message board low blows to get his sweet revenge. Look out foolz, The Big Bad Wolf is back.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 3 is Jake Nicholson

.....because of his league high score of 140.8. Jake left his fate in the hands of replacement refs last week but decided to take it out of the hands of those janky zebras and put a beat down on Hoseley's Ho Squad and left nothing to chance. MJD was a big shocker with 28 carries, 177yds, and 1 TD, but that wasn't all... Jake made a huge aquisition by picking up Andre Brown and he plugged him in and and got 26.5 out of him making that the "spot start" of the year thus far. Looks like the defending champ has picked up some skills over the years and he looks to be a threat to the league moving forward. Like whoa! By the way, his brother is a ginger.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 4 is Chris Helton

.....because of his big Hoyt-sized high score of 146.3. All Gains were capital over at Rio as Danny's roster had a coming out party with the highest weekly score of the year. Hot Roddy was showing Ronny Dudley his TDs as he put up 34.9 on him. Danny also milked 23.5 out of Lynch and 19.3 out of Nelson who proved to be worthy draft picks. But it's RGIII that was Danny's most solid draft pick this year as RGIII is averaging 29 a week. You never know when Danny will get into some Gratuitous Sex & Violence and Dudley's roster got dealt a little Gratitous violence. Danny is NOS-ed up and in the top 3 hoping to continue his run.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 5 is Timmy Myers

.....because of his Urlacher-sized league high score of 161.7. This was the 12th highest score in league history as Myers' roster had a comin' out party. Myers pulled a Fantasy Homicide on K-side with a crucial season-saving win and sent poor K-side to the league cellar. Timmy's score was definitely not Mediocre. Myers got himself into 7th place and is just 2 games back. In Week 5, Myers' roster showed a lot of potential as Colston went huge with 35.6 and Bradshaw put up a dirty 30. Also Eli and Tony G chipped in around a quarter a piece. This was the highest score of the season and Myers looks to keep the momentum rolling into week 6.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 6 is Chris Helton

.....because of his boss baller high score of 144.7. It was no pain and all gain for Helton in Week 6 as he pulled a fantasy homicide on K-side. In 3 weeks of turbulence, Danny has been walking on both sides of the fence but there's been more gains than losses with Danny studdin' out twice and duddin' out once in that 3 week span. It was RGIII that went berserk again with a 39 and dat white boy Jordy hung 36.6 on the board and Roddy showed us his TDs with 16.2. Those 3 players mentioned would've beat the Dud of the Week by themselves. Danny is right where he needs to be in the top 3 with a 4-2 record as he heads into the Rio Bowl in Week 7.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 7 is Randy Moseley

.....because of his league high score of 129.3. Big Hoseley Moseley is back on Stud Row for the second time this year as he squeaked out a close one over Tim-Tim. Big Moe got big production out of Brees who had 36.5 fantasy points in the first half of the Saints game. Moe also got some good production out of Martin who is starting to look like a solid draft pick. In the first half of the fantasy season, Big Hoseley is currently in a tie for "Stud of the Year" and he's sitting in 2nd place in the standings and appears to be headed to the playoffs.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 8 is Randy Moseley

.....because of his big Gold Lake sized league high score of 149.3. Big Moe is currently the "Stud of the Year" and is in great shape for a playoff run. Doug Martin blew up again with 36.9 and McGahee had a dub. Moseley aquired McGahee through a trade and only had to give up Dalton who he picked up out of Free Agency so it was a smart aquisition considering all the RB woes around the league. Moseley also picked up Denarius Moore out of Free Agency and got 18.1 out of him which proved to be another solid aquisition. Unlike the bottom dwellers, Big Moe is making moves that are panning out big as he controls his own destiny.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 9 is Randy Moseley

.....because of his GIGANTIC league high score of 183.1. Big Moe is maintaining his run as "Stud of the Year" with 4 Stud Row appearances and the second highest score in league history. Doug Martin wasn't Fartin' around when he blew up for 61.2 which turned out to be in top 3 greatest fantasy performances of all-time. Big Hoeseley Moseley was jizzin' in his pants when he looked on the scoreboard and saw Martin's performance. And Brandon "Head Case" Marshall put up 34.7. Moseley has a heavy weight bout next week against Doelio Mafioso to see who's in 2nd place overall.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 10 is Jake Nicholson

.....because of his league high score of 145.9 His team is nothing like his ginger brother's anemic team, his team is actually winning. It's been a "Must Win" every single week and he's been steadily winning and this marks his 3rd win in a row. He still has a must win next week and needs to keep winning to remain in playoff contention and try to be the first repeat champ in league history. Will Jake have the luck of the curls on his side this year?
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 11 is Chris Helton

.....because of his big Hunter Killer Danny-Drone sized high score of 158.3. Danny's season was on the brink and had he lost, his playoff hopes would've eluded him, but he won, and not only did he win, but he won by close to 100 points making that the biggest margin of victory/defeat this season. Danny also finally got himself in the record books as his score with the 20th highest score in league history. Now Danny has a shot at the playoffs and also still has a shot at STUD OF THE YEAR if his squad can keep performing at this high level. Look at Big Danny Buck Helton with 3 Stud Row appearances!
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 12 is Darin Whitehead

.....because of his league high score of 143.8. Darin surprises us all with his first Stud Row appearance on the season.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 13 is Jake Nicholson

.....because of his league high score of 145.5 His team is nothing like his ginger brother's anemic team, his team is actually winning. It's been a "Must Win" every single week and he's been steadily winning. This is Jake's third appearance on Stud Row this season.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 14 is Sam Ketcheside

.....because of his league high score of 154.3. Sam finally gets on Stud Row on the last week of the season.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 15 is Clayton Middleton

.....because of his league high score of 127.4. This was a team that was built to perform in the playoffs and it's a shame that he fell one win short of the playoffs.
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Featured Stud Of The Week The featured STUD of Week 16 is Randy Moseley

.....because of his GIGANTIC league high score of 160.6. Big Moe blew up in the Super Bowl right when he needed to and as a result, takes Stud of the Year and the league's largest pay out to date. This was Moseley's 5th Stud Row appearance and the 13th highest PPR score in league history. Doug Martin wasn't Fartin' around this year and it was a hell of a draft pick.
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1st. Randy Moseley (5)
T2nd. Chris Helton (3)
T2nd. Jake Nicholson (3)
T4th. Zac Nicholson (1)
T4th.Timmy Myers (1)
T4th. Clayton Middleton (1)
T4th. Darin Whitehead (1)
T4th. Sam Ketcheside (1)
T9th. Chuck Clark (0)
T9th. Derek Whitehead (0)
STUD OF THE YEAR: is awarded to the owner with the most 'Stud Row' appearances.

1. Most overall fantasy points for the year (includes postseason)
2. Highest spot in the year's final standings
3. Most head-to-head victories






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